Florida Investment Network

Entrepreneur Registration

Important: Please note this registration page is only for people looking for funding. If you are an investor, please register here.

Contact Info


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Optional: Enter the web address for your business. Enter the complete URL including the http:// part (e.g., http://www.mybiz.com).





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  1. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy.

  2. I understand that the Florida Investment Network can in no way be held responsible for what takes place once contact with an investor has been established.

  3. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to do due diligence on any of the investors I deal with.

 I have read and agree to the terms of the disclaimers above.

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Florida Investors

Florida > Naples

Providing capital through my contacts.

$1 to $50,000,000

Florida > Delray Beach

Always looking for opportunities. Open minded.

$10 to $100,000

Florida > Tallahassee

Married 42 year old mother of six in Florida, including triplets. Currently a real estate investor, was a former residential and commercial lender for 15 years, a VP in financial institution, prior cosmetic boutique owner and former partner in a lobbying and consulting business. I hold a real estate license, BS in Finance, MBA, an energetic open mind, and passion for fitness. I recently moved to a warmer climate, sold investments in former town, and looking for a new opportunity either as silent investor or hands on.

$1,000 to $200,000

Florida > Tallahassee

Young Investor. I have a stable job with 6 digit pay. I work in Cloud Computing Technologies out of Tallahassee, FL. Have couple of Real Estate investments with recurring income.

$0 to $20,000

Florida > North Lauderdale

I am 34 year old married woman with two children. I am currently a business owner who is looking to invest in a profitable business. I have Master's degree in Educational Leadership, and studying for a PhD in business. I would like to invest in a business that is education or entertainment-based, but I will consider other options.

$500 to $10,000

Florida > Hollywood

64 y/o retired medical physician, married, and looking to be an investor.

$500,000 to $1,000,000

Florida > Boca Raton

For more than 25 years, our Investment Association has provided the highest quality of investment advice and practical financial equity solutions to the emerging firm. Our interests lie in not only investments in high-tech firms but low-tech developing firms as well. To be an attractive investment vehicle to our Association the investment targets must be able to promise and deliver a rate of return that is more attractive than those available in markets for publicly traded stocks and other securities.

$50,000 to $2,500,000

Florida > Saint Petersburg

Credit Investor Over a million dollars liquid and income over $200,000 yearly

$50,000 to $200,000